Evacuation: Assisting Persons with Service Dogs

Suggestions for assisting persons with service dogs:

  • Do not pet or offer the dog food without the permission of the owner.
  • When the dog is wearing its harness, it is on duty.  If circumstances dictate that the dog is not supposed to guide its owner, ask the owner to remove the dog's harness.
  • Plan for the dog to be evacuated with the owner.
  • In the event you are asked to take the dog while assisting the individual, hold the leash and not the dog's harness.

After exiting the building, ensure that individuals with impaired vision are not "abandoned" but are led to a place of safety by the Floor Captain and/or her/his designated assistant who should remain with them until the emergency is over, if possible. 


Source:  ASD Project, Utah State University, Version 4.0, copyright 2003-2006.