Step 1: Getting to the SDRC

Two students talking

The first step in the process is Getting to the SDRC.  There are a variety of ways that students contact the Disability Service Office.  Those who received accommodations in high school may be referred by their high school counselor or their parents.  In these cases, getting to the SDRC is fairly straightforward.

But sometimes students are not aware of the SDRC.  Some students do not even know they have a disability until they have been in college for a while.  This puts you in a position to refer students to the SDRC.

The easiest way to do this is to include a statement in your syllabus and spend a little time in class at the beginning of the semester talking about how a student should go about getting disability-related accommodations.  This lets the student know you are approachable and provides clear direction to the student on the steps to follow to receive accommodations.